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Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is based on Yin-Yang Theory and 12 main meridian channels that Qi (energy) flows through. Our trained Acupuncturists can still tap into and stimulate these meridians and acupuncture points without the use of needles. How? We use a variety of tools such as our own hands to perform Acupressure, plastic or silicone cups to perform Cupping, a TENS machine to induce electrical neuromuscular stimulation, an infrared heat lamp to relax tense muscles and Magnetic Ear Seeds for you to go home with. 

Great for children or anyone who dislikes needles!

Are You New to Needleless Acupuncture?


If you are a new patient to Needleless Acupuncture and have not seen an Acupuncturist or a Naturopathic Doctor for any initial Acupuncture or Naturopathic visits, then you will be required to book an Initial Visit to be properly assessed.




Initial Acupuncture Visit with Acupuncturist

60 mins.                           $155


Initial Naturopathic Visit 

60 mins.                           $220

Follow-up Acupuncture Visit with Naturopath or Acupuncturist 45 min.   $110


Follow-up Acupuncture Visit with Naturopath of Acupuncturist 60 min.   $145


Children's Needleless Acupuncture 30 min.        $80


Cupping 45 min.               $90


Cupping 30 min.               $70


Cupping 15 min.               $55

As the level of insurance coverage varies from company to company, treatments may or may not be covered. Please check with your insurance provider prior to booking.


Needleless Acupuncture